Voices at the table: A Critical Dialogue sponsored by the Forum on Education Abroad and EUASA, November 10, 2020
Summary compiled by Sylvie KONESKI, Laura RAYNAUD, Thomas ROMAN, and Carol HUBER
This critical dialogue addressed the disconnect between on-site study abroad professionals and the home-base(s). The current COVID pandemic and economic crisis make this question more pertinent as lay-offs and furloughs are announced. After identifying stakeholders at the current leadership “table” and their priorities, the attendees agreed that our request to sit at the table is legitimate. Transnational and sector alliances are key for making our voices stronger. However, we may do well to position our relationship with the home-base as a solution rather than as yet another problem university administrators need to fix. Stephen Robinson and a team of attendees have committed to working on one or several articles to voice this position.
Report: Forum on Education Abroad Critical Dialogue, Voices at the table (November 10, 2020)