APUAF will do its best to maintain all dates without modification or cancellation but may need to shift topics and content of different events depending on the availability of those organizing and animating the events. We will announce precise times, themes, topics or agenda once they are confirmed for each event. Sign-up will be announced through the Google Group.

DateType of EventProposed TopicLocation
November 15, 2024AtelierFLE (all day); Guest: Celeste KingingerInstitut Catholique, Paris
December 6, 2024Pause CaféMary Ann Letellier (Written with Jeremy Doughty, Kirk Duclaux and Stephen
Robinson): “Resident Directors in Europe: A Phenomenological Study”.
March 14, 2025Annual Meeting, Le Printemps de l’APUAF
Accent, Paris
March 15, 2025Assemblée GénéraleAccent, Paris
April 4, 2025WorkshopAtelier : Accomodations