Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad
We are thrilled to announce that Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad has just published our Special Issue entitled U.S. Study Abroad: The View from Europe. It is free to view.
Co-Guest Edited by Stephen Robinson (Ireland), Kelly Bohan (France), Julia Carnine (France), and Ariadne Ferro (Spain), the issue contains 10 papers plus an editorial on topics relating to US study abroad in Europe, from our European on-site perspectives. Twenty seven authors from 7 countries worked very hard on this for over a year. A great publication from the EUASA team!
Note that the Guest Editors will be doing a webinar with Frontiers/Forum on Thursday February 13 @ 16h CET. It is free to register here.
Many of the papers will be presented at the Third EUASA Virtual Conference on Friday March 7, starting at 14h CET. Registration details to come!