Changes to French Visa processing starting April 18, 2025

Dear Partners,

Campus France USA is writing to let you know of an upcoming change being made by the visa service of the French consulate that will affect students applying for long-stay visas.  Starting April 18, 2025, the consulate will be working with a new service provider for visa applications: TLScontact

What’s changing?

  • These new TLS centers (located in the same 10 cities as the current service provider) are 100% dedicated to French visas, so students will benefit from the expertise of agents at these locations.
  • Applicants will have access to a dedicated call center that can assist in the event of a technical issue or booking problem. 
  • There is also a system for real-time tracking of applications that will allow applicants to keep tabs on the progress of their application. 
  • The new visa centers are designed to optimize the visa application process and reduce appointment times by making available more biometric stations in each center and offering Prime Time appointments outside of standard office hours.
  • Please note that the fees associated with visa appointments are changing with this new service provider: long-stay visa applications via TLS will cost 220€.  However, there are exemptions to this fee for students receiving French government scholarships (France Excellence Eiffel, France Excellence Graduate Scholars, France Excellence Chateaubriand), Gilman-France scholarships, or the Fulbright grant and for those pursuing a full degree in France.
  • The Etudes en France fees are changing slightly: regular service will remain $270, but the fee for expedited service, candidatures (DAP/HDAP), Independent students, and doctoral students will now be $460. 

What’s not changing?

  • The overall process for applying for a visa has not changed.  Students will still need to complete their Etudes en France application, start their visa application on the France-Visas website, and book an in-person appointment with the service provider. Our Visa Guidelines and Application Guide will be updated to reflect these changes soon.  
  • The centers are located in the same 10 cities: Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, New York, Washington DC (addresses can be found here). 

This change is not happening until April 18, 2025.  Until then, students should continue to schedule and attend appointments with VFSGlobal.

As we transition to this new system, Campus France USA will continue to provide full support and assistance in the preparation and review of students’ pre-consular files and the TLS team will be available if you have questions about the visa application process.  


Kathryn Manz
Deputy Director, Campus France USA