Workshops & Conferences
Réunion exceptionnelle 19 novembre 2015
Suite aux attaques du 13 novembre, l’APUAF a organisé une réunion exceptionnelle pour partager nos expériences, pratiques, et outils entre collègues. Vous trouverez ici le compte rendu ainsi que l’enregistrement audio de…
February 4, 2016 -
Trauma Response and Crisis Debriefing
Following the 11/13 terrorist attacks in Paris, the APUAF organized a workshop with psychologist Sharon Korman on managing our own response to trauma and crisis while addressing students’ needs. Please click here…
December 14, 2015 -
Résultats Elections novembre 2015
Voici les résultats des élections au Conseil d’administration de l’APUAF: Christopher Edwards, CEA Loren Ringer, Skidmore en France Thomas Roman, IFE Laurie Wilson, Oregon University: Centre d’Oregon d’Etudes Françaises Suppléante: Céline Garelli,…
October 9, 2015 -
Workshop on Critical Thinking
Jenny Moon’s presentation on Critical Thinking from the March 2015 RD Meeting at the George Marshall Center
September 9, 2015 -
Newsletter July 2015
Please click here to read the latest version of the APUAF newsletter.
July 10, 2015 -
Intentional Intercultural Learning and Assessment Workshop June 2015
We are very pleased to share the description of the June 12th workshop with Milton Bennett and Lilli Engle: Please click here to download. Intentional Intercultural Learning and AssessmentTwo Coordinated Workshops for APUAF…
June 25, 2015 -
Writing as Intervention: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center at Home and Abroad
Click here to download the PowerPoint presentation of “Writing as Intervention: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center at Home and Abroad,” by Lucile Duperron from Dickinson College at the 2014 Forum…
March 18, 2015 -
Stimulating Intergenerationality: Millennials in France
Click here to download the PowerPoint presentation for “Stimulating Intergenerationality: Millennials in France,” presented by Lisa Fleury, Vassar Wesleyan Program in Paris, and Laura Raynaud, Dickinson in France, at the 2014 Forum…
March 17, 2015 -
Forum on Education Abroad Conference in Barcelona, Compte rendu October 2014
Forum on Education Abroad Conference Report, October 2014
Frank Mikus, St. John’s University Paris
The second European conference of the Forum on Education Abroad was held from October 23-25, 2014 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Hosted by the Association of American Programs in Spain (APUNE), Eduespana, and the Committee for the Internationalisation and Cooperation of Spanish Universities (CICUE), approximately 440 academics and study abroad administrators and practitioners attended conference sessions around the theme “What does it mean to be a ‘traditional’ destination? Challenges and Opportunities for Education Abroad in Europe.” According to Forum President and CEO Brian Whalen, two-thirds of conference participants are based in Europe and the additional third is based on college campuses in the US.
March 17, 2015 -
Atelier Logement : Assurance et fiscalité (novembre 2014)
Cliquez ici pour accéder au compte rendu de l’atelier du 21 novembre 2014 sur les assurances pour les logements et le statut légal et fiscal des familles d’accueil. Voici la présentation PPT…
December 10, 2014